Saturday, May 9, 2015

Day seven

Today did not turn out the way I thought it would. I awoke with no plan for the day, my family were alol up and had laid plans for there day..... And then we all sat around watching it rain for twenty minutes. Once the rain stopped, we didn't. My day ended up being a day to get a lot of nothing done. I worked in the garden and cleaned in the garage. Both really fun things to do, but today they were particularly hard.
I find that weeding is very therapeutic, particularly when it comes to digging up dandelions!! These simple common flowers cause so much happiness, for example when a child picks a handful for his mom or aunt. And they cause so much angst because they tend to grow everywhere you wish they wouldn't and can be difficult to eradicate. Which brings to mind two memories of my childhood. The first is of a lawn covered in dandelions, so thick that the grass wasn't visible. And how I loved to lay on my back amongst the flowers and stare at the white clouds, blue sky and green tree branches overhead. Ah!! The days of being able to lay around and not be filled with worries. The second memory has to do with weeding, which when you are young is not enjoyable. My family used to put in a huge garden every year and it was the job of my brothers and I to assist with the weeding, the watering, the picking, the canning and eventually the eating. Particularly green beans. I can remember several summer mornings spent weeding in the garden as soon as the sun was up and the dew was off the grass. The rows were long, the ground was hard, the sun was hot and if you missed any weeds you had to go back and check the whole row. And siblings rarely offer to help once they finished their rows. You get the picture..... It wasn't fun. And yet I miss those days, and the time spent chatting with my brothers. Who would have thought then that I would ever miss any of them???

The farmer's Daughter

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